
Bellvia Ventures has a track-record in starting, growing & exiting companies since 2005.

Entrepreneurs with technology at hand often face challenges when founding a company, when analyzing the market, when planning the business, when seeking investments, when staffing the team, when managing the product, when applying controlling and firming the organizational structure with processes.

Bellvia Ventures engages with entrepreneurs and start-ups contributing its long-term experience aiming to turn innovative ideas into businesses.

Today Bellvia Ventures is invested in selected companies in the technology and media markets.



Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Renner

Mathias is a company builder. He holds degrees in business administration (Dipl-Kfm) and electrical engineering (Dipl-Ing) from TU München. After 12 years in management positions for strategic marketing and product management for USA based IT technology companies, starting in 2005 he co-founded and exited with Telsima Inc. and textunes GmbH broadening his experience in wireless technology, App businesses, silicon valley practices, India development habits, International Sales, investment processes and other. Mathias was accredited coach of High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) from 2010-2012 and is Partner and Investment Manager of Impact Ventures GmbH in Berlin since 2012 where he held several positions in Corporate Finance, Controlling, CFO and CTO within portfolio companies.


// Contact:

Bellvia Ventures GmbH
Winsstr. 4, 10405 Berlin
Lüssweg 28, 82418 Murnau am Staffelsee

// Impressum:

Bellvia Ventures GmbH
Lüssweg 28, 82418 Murnau
Represented by: Mathias Renner (Geschäftsführer)

// Registration

Handelsregister Registergericht München
Registernummer HRB 225166
VAT-ID / Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE305847407
Tax-ID: 119/122/30033